This documentation relates to an earlier version of Cipango.
visit the current release documentation home.

Building from Source


Cipango source code is available at Use this command to anonymously check out the latest project source code of branch 1.0 to a directory named cipango:

svn checkout cipango


Cipango uses Maven (v2.2.0 or later) as its build system. To build just go to the cipango top source directory and type:

mvn install

The Maven Cipango Plugin requires to have svn and patch commands available on the path.
You can get it:

If you have any error while building, please ask for help (see Cipango Documentation#Community support).

Installing in Jetty

In order to run Cipango, you need then to copy it to a Jetty installation. To perform that, follow these steps:

  1. Download jetty v6.1.24 and install it
  2. Update your local Maven settings with the jetty.home property. The local Maven settings is a file located by default at $HOME/.m2/settings.xml (see for more details), create it if it does not exist. For instance, if jetty is installed in /home/cipango/jetty-6.1.24, your settings.xml should look like:

    Note: replace /home/cipango/jetty-6.1.24 by the jetty home directory (the directory where Jetty has been extracted).

    $HOME refers on Microsoft Windows to C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME

  3. Execute the command (in the cipango installation directory):
    mvn install

The jetty directory now contains jetty with the cipango extension.