This documentation relates to an earlier version of Cipango.
visit the current release documentation home.

How to run integration tests within Cipango ?

The combination of Maven Cipango Plugin and Sip Unit allows to create tests for every possible call flow.

The principle is in phase "pre-integration-test" to start Cipango server, then in next phase the SIP unit tests are executed and in post-integration-test phase, Cipango is stopped. This allows to test the application and the container (Cipango) using real SIP messages.

To add integration tests in your project, you should add the following xml to your pom.xml and create a new SIP unit test case in src/test/java/org/yourproject/sipunit.

To run integration tests, execute the command
mvn install -Ditest

Maven configuration

       Tests in package sipunit are integration tests and so should not be run in maven test phase
       but in phase integration-test   


   Integrations tests are defined into a profile to allow to install the SIP application
   without running them.

See also Integration and Functional Testing with Maven 2.0