This documentation relates to last stable version of Cipango.
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Console integration in a sip application

Package console in Servlet application

To integrate console in your servlet application, you should

  • add the dependency to cipango-console.jar
  • copy the files from cipango-console/src/main/webapp to your webapp directory.

To disable authentication, you just need to delete the file src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/jetty-web.xml.

Add application specific page

To an application specific page in console, you should register a MBean with the following constraint:

  • The object name should follow the convention: org.cipango.console:page=*
  • It should expose the method print(Writer writer) or print(Writer writer, HttpServletRequest request).

The MBean could also exposed the methods list in the interface org.cipango.console.printer.OamPrinter.OamPage.

Remove the page application

If only one application is running on the server, it is possible to prevent user to undeploy the application via the console.
This is done by removing access to the application page.
To do this, you just need to register on the MBeanServer, the ObjectName org.cipango.console:page-disabled=application.