This documentation relates to an unstable version of Cipango.
visit the current release documentation home.

Installing Cipango

Cipango can either be installed from a #binary release or built from source code.

Binary Release

Cipango releases

Cipango is distributed as a platform independent zip file containing a Jetty and Cipango bundle ready to start. The most recent distribution can be downloaded from our maven repository.

Installing from the Cipango/Jetty bundle

All you need to do is to unzip the archive. The top level directory is a standard Jetty installation. The only difference is that there is a sipapps directory in addition to webapps. This directory is used to deploy SIP or converged application.

Your top-level directory, referred to as ${jetty.home} in this documentation should then look like:

$ ls
bin                         META-INF     start.d
etc                         notice.html  start.ini
lib                         README.txt   start.jar
LICENSE-APACHE-2.0.txt      resources    VERSION.txt
license-eplv10-aslv20.html       webapps
logs                        sipapps

Build from Source Code

Getting source code

Cipango source code is available at Use the following command to anonymously check out the latest project source code to a directory named cipango:

git clone git://


Cipango uses Maven (v2.2.0 or later) as its build system. To build just go to the cipango top source directory and type:

mvn install

When the build is completed, you'll find binary release of cipango packaged as .zip and .tar.gz under the cipango-distribution/target directory. You can now install the binary release as explained above.


Cipango has some integration tests that are not run by default (in tests/integration-tests). To enable them execute the command

mvn install -Ditest

Load tests (servlet application and SIPp scripts) are located at tests/load-sipapp.