Cipango Maven Plugin Configuration Guide

This plugin is based on Jetty Maven Plugin, most of the options available on jetty plugin are also available.

To run a sip application from a maven project,

  1. add it in your POM file:
          <name>Cipango Plugin Repository</name>
          <name>Cipango Plugin Repository</name>
  1. start the plugin:
    mvn cipango:run

Supported Goals

The Cipango Maven plugin has a number of distinct Maven goals. Arguably the most useful is the run goal which runs Jetty on your unassembled sipapp. T

To see a list of all goals supported by the Cipango Maven plugin, do:

mvn cipango:help

To see the detailed list of parameters that can be configured for a particular goal, in addition to its description, do:

mvn cipango:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=[goal-name]

How to configure the plugin

Container Configuration

Sipapp Configuration
          <!-- Http configuration -->
          <httpConnector implementation="org.eclipse.jetty.maven.plugin.MavenServerConnector">
          <!-- SIP configuration -->
            <sipConnector implementation="org.cipango.plugin.MavenUdpConnector">
          <messageLog implementation="org.cipango.server.log.FileMessageLog">

Configure with websocket support

To enable Web Sockets SIP Connector support with maven plugin, the following configuration should be used.

            <sipConnector implementation="org.cipango.plugin.MavenUdpConnector">
            <sipConnector implementation="org.cipango.plugin.MavenWebSocketConnector">

Configure with diameter support

To enable diameter support with maven plugin, the following configuration should be used.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE Configure PUBLIC "-//Jetty//Configure//EN" "">
<Configure id="Server" class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server">  
  <Call name="addBean">
      <New id="node" class="org.cipango.diameter.node.Node">
        <Call name="addConnector">
            <New class="" id="DiameterSocketConnector">
              <Set name="host"><Property  name=""/></Set>
              <Set name="port"><Property default="3868" name="diameter.port"/></Set>
              <Set name="messageListener">
                <New class="org.cipango.diameter.log.FileMessageLogger" id="FileMessageLogger">
                  <Set name="filename"><Property default="." name="jetty.home"/>/logs/yyyy_mm_dd.diameter.log</Set>
                  <Set name="append">true</Set>
                  <Set name="retainDays">31</Set>
        <!-- Add supported applications -->
        <!-- Uncomment to set the applications supported -->
        <Call name="addSupportedApplication">
            <Get name="SH_APPLICATION_ID" class="org.cipango.diameter.ims.Sh"/>
        <Call name="addPeer">
            <New class="org.cipango.diameter.node.Peer">
        <Set name="statsOn">true</Set>