Diameter support in Cipango is designed to offer a servlet-like programming model.

Adding diameter support

Diameter support is optional and should be activated first. To start Cipango with diameter, add the diameter.xml to the command runline. For instance:

java -jar start.jar etc/cipango.xml etc/diameter.xml

To use diameter, a class implementing the DiameterListener must be declared within the application. This is similar to the TimerListener used for the SIP Servlet TimerService.This interface is then invoked when diameter messages are received.

The DiameterListener is defined as follows:

package org.cipango.diameter.app;

public interface DiameterListener 
    void doRequest(DiameterRequest request) throws IOException; 
    void doAnswer(DiameterAnswer answer) throws IOException; 

The DiameterFactory

The DiameterFactory class is used to create instances of DiameterRequest.

Cipango makes an instance of org.cipango.diameter.DiameterFactory available to servlets via the servlet context attribute of the same name, org.cipango.diameter.DiameterFactory.


The following code sample illustrates how to create an UDR request:

DiameterFactory factory = (DiameterFactory) getServletContext().getAttribute(DiameterFactory.class.getName()); 
DiameterRequest request = factory.createRequest(Sh.SH_APPLICATION_ID, Sh.UDR,"home1.net","hss1.home1.net"); 
AVP<AVPList> userIdentity = factory.createAVPList(Sh.USER_IDENTITY);
request.add(Sh.DATA_REFERENCE, Sh.DataReference.IMSUserState); 


Diameter messages are logged in the file ${jetty.home}/logs/yyyy_mm_dd.diameter.log (replace yyyy_mm_dd by the current date).