Cipango is a SIP Servlet extension to the popular {link-window:href=}Jetty{link-window} HTTP Servlet engine. Cipango/Jetty is then a convergent SIP/HTTP Application Server compliant with both {link-window:href=}SIP Servlets{link-window} and {link-window:href=}HTTP Servlets{link-window} standards. 


h3. Using Cipango

  [cipango User Guide]

h3. Reference Documentation

  [SIP Servlet 1.1 API|]
  [Cipango Architecture|Architecture]
  [Improve performance]

h3. Extras

  [Maven Integration|Cipango Maven Plugin]
  [SIP Groovlets]
  [SIP Servlet extension]

h3. Applications

  [Load SIP Servlet application]

h3. Resources

  [Cipango Community]
  [Issue Tracking|]
  [Change log|]
