In the first installment of our tutorials, we described our to create a first SIP Application using Maven archetypes and run it quickly with the Cipango Maven Plugin. We'll now show you how to install the whole cipango Application Server and use it to deploy and run this same application.

Install Cipango

To install Cipango from a binary release, you only have to download and unzip the distribution as explained in the user guide. The only requirement is to have a working Java environment (version 5 or later).

Once unzipped, cd to the cipango directory. You should have a structure like this:

|-- LICENSE-APACHE-2.0.txt
|-- LICENSE-ECLIPSE-1.0.html
|-- README.txt
|-- VERSION.txt
|-- about.html
|-- bin
|-- contexts
|-- contexts-available
|-- etc
|-- lib
|-- logs
|-- notice.html
|-- resources
|-- sipapps
|-- start-cipango.ini
|-- start.ini
|-- start.jar
`-- webapps

The most important files and directories are the following:

As you might have already guessed, to deploy our SIP application, we are going to simply copy it in the sipapps directory. To do that, go to the directory containing your sample application developed in the first tutorial, cd to the target directory and copy the war file in the sipapps directory of your cipango installation.

You may now start cipango, just go to the cipango home directory and enter:

java -jar start.jar --ini=start-cipango.ini

cipango should now start, check that your application is running using sipsak as we did in the first tutorial.

In the next tutorial, we'll explain how to import our application in the Eclipse IDE and run it within Eclipse.