This documentation relates to an unstable version of Cipango.
visit the current release documentation home.

Load SIP Servlet Application

Load tests are done with the application load-sipapp and a set of SIPp scripts. This setup allows to test Cipango in the following modes:

  • UAS
  • Back to back
  • Proxy


Binary version are available on


The application load-sipapp is located under the tests directory of your Cipango sources directory. It is compiled with the main project, however would you want to compile it explicitly:

  1. Navigate to your Cipango root directory.
  2. Go to the load-sipapp directory and build it:

    cd tests/load-sipapp
    mvn install


  1. Start Cipango with the right memory configuration (see also Improve performance).

    java -Xmx1700M -Xms1700M -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -jar start.jar

  2. configure SIPp environment:
    • on Unix/Linux: edit tests/load-sipapp/src/test/sipp/unix/
    • on Microsoft Windows: edit tests/load-sipapp/src/test/sipp/windows/setEnv.cmd

  3. Run the scripts:
    • message.bat or for a simple MESSAGE test, Cipango acting as UAS.
    • ./uac.bat -s uas or -s uas for a simple call test, Cipango acting as UAS.
    • uas.bat or and then ./uac.bat -s b2b or -s b2b for a simple call test, Cipango acting as Back-to-back user agent.
    • uas.bat or and then ./uac.bat -s proxy or -s proxy for a simple call test, Cipango acting as a proxy.

For tests calls, to add a delay between ACK and BYE requests, add the SIPp parameters -d delay in milliseconds. For instance, ./ -s uas -d 2000 or uac.bat -s uas -d 2000